Every day or two I need to walk to the shops to get food (I don't drive a car). I like to take a backpack so that the weight of the shopping is even when I walk back.
Recently when I select which of my empty backpacks to take shopping, I start fantasising about packing the backpack with my small tent, gas stove, sleeping bag and other campning gear, and just walking in one direction until I'm in a spot where I can't see or hear another soul, and just sit, meditate and just 'exist'.
I don't even really want to take an art pad and pencils. I don't know what or who my art is for at the moment?
My usual excuse for not recognising I'm not immortal and churning out Art accordingly is, "I have a 9 to 5 day job that gets in the way! And then I have responsabilities on the weekend that need attending". All BS. I've just had two days off work and barely managed five minutes of drawing.
I'm not sure why I am not producing Art at the moment? My head wants to (or says it wants to) but my hands aren't moving a pencil, paintbrush, mouse or Wacom pen.
I know the practical steps I need to take to fix this (sleep, exercise, good food, social contact etc.) so will drag myself towards getting those corrected but I heard Tim Ferriss's first podcast with Seth Godin, for the second time yesterday and Seth tells people that everybody should be committing to blogging once a day.
Ok, this is day one of my daily blogging practise. I'll see if that helps lift me out of this Art rut.
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