Monday, 23 May 2011

Found a couple of Sketches

I was sorting through a pile of part-used pads of paper and found a couple of sketches from 2009 that I'd forgotten I did. I was pleasantly surprised and happy with the sheet of creature sketches but not so happy to be reminded about my early struggles with marker pens.
I still haven't got near to mastering the marker pens. That medium is on the back burner for now.

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Cycle Of Greed

I haven't done a lot of sketching over the last month or so. So this is a warm up piece to keep the 'pencil rust' at bay.
The message isn't very subtle but isn't a comment on anyone or any area of my life in particular. It could even be my subconscious warning me about my own greedy thoughts.
5mm HB mechanical pencil on A6 paper